Conformation Results
- Ghillie received an Award of Merit at the IWSCA Regional Specialty and an NOHS Group 3 (6/18/2022).
- Best Of Winners for a 3-point major and her Championship, Best Of Opposite Sex, Trumbull County KC (5/30/2021).
- Best Of Winners for a 3-point major and Best of Opposite Sex, New Castle KC (5/29/2021).
- Winner of the Bred-By class, IWSCA National Specialty, Tulsa, OK (5/6/2021).
- Winner's Bitch for a 4-point major and Best Of Breed Owner-Handler, Baltimore County KC (4/25/2021).
- Best Of Winners for a 4-point major and Owner-Handler Sporting Group 2, Old Dominion KC (4/24/2021).
- Winner's Bitch, Irish Water Spaniel Association of Canada national specialty, Kensington, PEI (7/22/2018).
Performance Results
- Ghillie received her MACH under Mark Giles at the BBTC trial (10/6/2023).
- Ghillie recived her T2B title at the Mayflower Corgi trial (1/1/2023).
- Ghillie was the Highest Scoring Irish Water Spaniel at the 2022 AKC Agility Invitational (12/17/2022).
- Ghillie received her Excellent FAST title at the Wachusett KC Trials (11/13/2021).
- Ghillie was ranked as the #6 Regular agility dog and has received an invitation to the 2021 AKC Agility Invitational.
- Excellent Standard title earned at the IWSCA National Specialty, 5/6/2021.
- Excellent Jumpers title earned at the NSKC trial, 2/27/2021.
- Open Standard title earned at the MKKC trial, 11/15/2020.
- Open Jumpers title earned at the ACNH trial, 11/7/2020.
- Novice Standared title earned at ACNH trial, 1/11/2020.
- Novice FAST title earned at ACNH trial, 1/11/2020.
- Novice Jumpers title earned @ IWSCA trial, 1/10/2020.
- Ghillie received her CD title at the 2024 IWSCA National Specialty (5/22/2024).
- Ghillie received her Rally Novice title at the Thanksgiving Cluster (11/27/21).
- Ghillie received her WC title at the 2022 IWSCA National Specialty (6/13/2022).